Baby Wilson
(Red Rock Canyon NCA)
Baby Wilson - Wilson Peak, the highest peak among the peaks of the Red Rock Canyon NCA escarpment, has a handful of smaller destinations on its face. Perhaps the most attainable destination is Baby Wilson, a small pointy outcropping to the left of Wilson Peak's center. The trailhead is Highway 159 between the official trailheads of Oak Creek and First Creek. A moderate hike across the desert takes you to the base, and a strenuous 3rd class scramble takes you up to the small peak. The hike is 4 miles with around 1300 feet of gain.
Badger Pass
(Red Rock Canyon NCA - Bird Spring Range)

Badger Pass - There are three trail heads that can be used for doing the hike to Badger Pass. The starting point for the easy to moderate version is found by driving west on Highway 160 about 6 miles from the intersection with Highway 159, then turning left and driving about 0.7 miles on a gravel road to a small parking area on the left. The loop hike climbs about 450 feet along a ridge in the Bird Spring Range, then descends to Badger Pass and the Dead Horse Trail before returning to the starting point. Other versions include a moderate 5-mile hike starting from the parking lot on the right immediately after making the turn from Highway 160 and a moderate 7-mile version that starts from the Late Night/ Old Spanish Road trail head about 1.5 miles east on Highway 160.
Beyond Mouse's Tank
(Valley of Fire State Park)

Beyond Mouse's Tank - This moderately strenuous hike through the heart of the Valley of Fire provides a lot of scrambling as it takes you out to the left of Mouse's Tank Trailhead and returns via the Mouse's Tank and a section of multiple petroglyphs. It utilizes a 1.5 mile section of the Valley of Fire wash with a mid-point of the hike on a plateau. The entire scrambling hike is around 5.5 miles with an elevation gain of almost 400 feet. For more information on this or any other Valley of Fire State Park hike, contact Brian Dodd. (
briandodd (at)
Big Falls
(Spring Mountains NRA)

Big Falls - The start of this hike is located at the Mary Jane Falls parking area at the end of a gravel road off Echo Drive past the Trail Canyon trailhead in Kyle Canyon. The Mary Jane Falls Trail is used for the first part of the hike. At the switchbacks, cross the rock border and continue on a path parallel to the drainage on the left. Turn left and follow a trail into the drainage. Bearing to the left, the moderate route climbs up Big Falls wash. Eventually, the route turns into a small boulder scramble. At the farthest point is a 70-foot waterfall that can carry high volumes of water in the spring. Total distance for the out-and-back hike is 3 miles with a 800 foot elevation gain.
Big Falls / Mary Jane Falls
(Spring Mountains NRA)

Big Falls / Mary Jane Falls - For the more advanced hikers, combining Big Falls with Mary Jane Falls creates an exciting and moderately strenuous hiking option, with lots of scrambling and a double climb totaling over 1500 feet. If doing both, it is better to climb to the base of Big Falls first before backtracking and starting the Mary Jane Falls climb near the base of the switchbacks. As an alternative to the regular trail, the old trail to Mary Jane Falls climbs steeply directly to the base of the falls without using any switchbacks. This route cuts about 1/2 mile off the approach to Mary Jane. Total distance for the combined hike is about 5 miles.
Big Wall Loop
(Valley of Fire State Park)
Big Wall Loop - This moderate loop of 4 miles has 600 feet of elevation
gain. The hike starts from the White Domes TH in Valley of Fire and
uses washes to circle around to a break at the base of, perhaps, the
biggest solid wall of sandstone in the park. The hike then scrambles up
and over a rocky saddle to return to the TH. For further information
regarding hikes in Valley of Fire, contact Brian Dodd (briandodd (at)
Bighorn Butte
(Lake Mead NRA)
Bighorn Butte - This moderately strenuous hike can be done as either a 6 mile out and back hike or a 7 mile loop. Either hike begins from the Long View Trailhead on Lakeshore Road in the Lake Mead NRA. The 3 mile approach heads up a wash across the road with very little trail. The loop begins from the peak as it descends on the opposite side and connects with an interesting wash that curves back around to the trailhead. There is 1500 feet of elevation gain.
Bird Spring Range
(Red Rock Canyon NCA)

Bird Spring Range - Located south of Highway 160 near South Cottonwood Valley, the trek along the top ridge of the Bird Spring Range provides some serious off-trail hiking. The normal start to the moderately strenuous hike follows the shortest trail to Badger Pass and then starts climbing off-trail to the highest point in the range. As the route follows the ridge there are exceptional views of the Las Vegas area from the southwest. A stretch along the ridge contains some fabulous fossils that are remnants of an ancient shallow sea. After passing the Wilson Tank location, the route makes one additional steep climb to a position where both Las Vegas and Goodsprings can be viewed. The return is along the Deadhorse Trail. Total distance is about 7 miles and the elevation gain is around 1200 feet.
Black & White Sisters
(Spring Mountains NRA)
Black & White Sisters - This is a 4 mile out and back strenuous hike that starts from Mack's Canyon Road where the Sisters Spur Road junctions 2 miles in. The route climbs up the spur road then takes a wash up to the left. Arriving at the following ridge, the route turns right and climbs a steep hill at the end of the ridge up to a bench that extends out below a large black rock outcropping. Next to this (Black Sister) is a smaller white outcropping (White Sister). There is a formidable 1700 feet of elevation gain.
Black Mesa
(Lake Mead NRA)
Black Mesa - Seen on the left side of the photo above, Black Mesa has a flat top with steep sides covered with igneous rocks. The hike routes around to the back of the hill from mile marker 10.5 on Northshore Road. Here, there is a steep climb up to the mesa. After crossing the mesa, there is a faint trail that will take hikers down on the northeast corner. Finish the moderately strenuous hike by completing the perimeter back to the trailhead. The 5 mile hike has 900 feet of elevation gain.
Black Mountain Overlook
(Boulder City)

Black Mountain Overlook (Boulder City) - The River Mountains Trailhead serves as the starting point for this hike. It is located on Highway 93 in Boulder City, adjacent to St. Jude Children's Ranch. Total distance for the hike is about 6 miles with an elevation gain of 1065 feet. The moderate hike technically terminates at the Black Mountain Overlook, rather than the actual peak. From the top, there is a panoramic view that includes Lake Mead to the east, Boulder City to the south, and Las Vegas to the northwest. This destination can also be combined with a hike to Red Mountain, resulting in a moderately strenuous 7 mile distance.
Black Mountain Peak & Arch
(Boulder City)
Black Mountain Peak & Arch - This hike is a 7 mile partial loop that begins at the River Mountains Trailhead in Boulder City next to St. Jude Children's Ranch. The route climbs up between the visible red and black peaks and continues to the right out to the Black Mountain Overlook. From there, the trail becomes strenuous and difficult to negotiate as it drops off the other side. After reaching the peak, drop down into the wash and loop around to a large arch. From there, traverse back to the original ridge for a total elevation gain of 1800 feet.
Black Mountain

Black Mountain (Henderson) - The trailhead for this hike is located off Shadow Canyon Drive in the southern part of Sun City Anthem. There is a small parking area along the road that will hold about five vehicles. From the lot, a paved walking trail heads southeast toward a flood containment dam. At the back of the basin, the trail is marked by a sign. The out-and-back trail is easy to follow, except for one section near the beginning where it climbs through a 10 foot rock face. From that point, it becomes progressively steeper as it passes through a lava field to the top. Because the mountain is so close to the city, the views are fantastic. Total distance for the hike is a strenuous 6 miles with an elevation gain of 2100 feet.
Black Mountain O&B
Black Mountain Loop
Black Velvet Canyon
(Red Rock Canyon NCA)
Black Velvet Canyon - Since this canyon is located mid-way between the north and south ends of the Red Rock Canyon NCA escarpment, it can only be accessed by hiking in some distance unless you drive the Black Velvet dirt road right to the mouth. Therefore, this hike is generally done as an 8 mile loop using several of the bike trails that lead out of the Late Night Trailhead on Highway 160. Once in the canyon, the boulder scrambling is moderately strenuous until a dead end is reached at a dry fall. Further exploration is seldom done by hikers. The moderately strenuous hike has 1100 feet of elevation gain.
Blue Diamond Bike Trails (Hurl Trails)
(Red Rock Canyon NCA - Blue Diamond)

Blue Diamond Bike Trails - The start for this hike is found on the right just across the bridge that leads into the community of Blue Diamond. The trail makes a loop using the bicyclers route called Hurl, starting south on a section of the Old Spanish Trail before bending to the right, eventually climbing a long, gradual ridge above Blue Diamond with views of the area. There are two options for closing the hike. Either moderate route is around 6 miles with 800 feet of elevation gain.
Blue Diamond Canyons
(Red Rock Canyon NCA - Blue Diamond Hills)

Blue Diamond Canyons - Generally referred to as Blue Diamond Canyons Numbers 1 through 5, these canyons are located on the southwest side of Blue Diamond Hill, and are accessed directly from Highway 159. Canyon #1 is closest to the gypsum plant at the south end of the hill across from one of the entrance roads to the community of Blue Diamond. The other canyons are in order to the north. All three involve varying levels of boulder scrambling and have dry waterfalls that must be negotiated. Numbers 1 and 2 are not as easy to descend as they are to climb. Canyon #3 works decently either way. Distances vary up to 5 miles depending on the combination of canyons or adjacent ridges that are incorporated into the hike.
Route up Canyon #2 and down Canyon #3
Blue Point Springs
(Lake Mead NRA)
Blue Point Springs - In a northern corner of the Lake Mead NRA adjacent to the Valley of Fire State Park, there lies Blue Point Springs. A short moderate walk past the spring wash into the Valley of Fire redstone rewards the hiker with interesting redstone formations. There are several arches, mammoth rock, and a cow column. A loop hike will range from 5 to 7 miles with minimal elevation gain.
Bluff Trail
(Lake Mead NRA)
Bluff Trail - This easy hike is accessed from the Las Vegas Bay Marina & Campground, which is located on Lakeshore Road 2.1 miles east of the intersection of Lakeshore and Lake Mead Drive, which passes Lake Las Vegas. The hike is inside the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, which requires a daily use fee or park pass. The starting point is an information kiosk inside the campground, adjacent to a small parking area that holds about four vehicles. The out-and-back route follows the Las Vegas Wash for about one mile to a bluff above the wash and offers an opportunity to do some further exploring in undeveloped terrain upstream. Total distance is between 2 and 3 miles with elevation gain of less than 300 feet.
Bonanza Peak
(Spring Mountains NRA)
Bonanza Peak - This strenuous 10-mile out-and-back hike starts from the northern trail head of the Bonanza Trail, located near the community of Cold Creek. The trail climbs fairly moderately to a saddle on the main ridge of the Spring Mountains overlooking the Pahrump area with views toward the mountains surrounding Death Valley. This opening section includes 55 switchbacks. From the saddle, turn left on the Bonanza Trail and head toward the peak. Just before the trail begins a descent approaching McFarland Peak, a cairn on the left indicates where the last short climb to the peak begins. Total elevation gain for the hike is 2500 feet.
Bonanza Trail
(Spring Mountains NRA)

Bonanza Trail - The entire 13-mile trail starts from the Bristlecone Trail about 2 miles from the winter skiing operation and proceeds north along the spine of the Spring Mountain Divide to a parking area about 2 miles from the community of Cold Creek. The hike is considered very strenuous and is sometimes referred to as "more difficult that Charleston Peak." From south to north, the elevation gain is around 3400 feet. From north to south, the elevation gain is more with 4800 feet. One option, if you don't want to do the entire trail is to take the section north from Bristlecone for a few miles along the ridge. Many locations along the ridge have open views in both directions. In this case, plan on doing an out-and-back hike for 3 or 4 miles in each direction. Total climb over the 4-mile section is about 1200 feet.
From South to North Route (Lee Canyon to Cold Creek)
From North to South (Cold Creek to Lee Canyon)
McFarland Base Approach on the Bonanza Trail (strenuous)
Bridge Mountain
(Red Rock Canyon NCA)
Bridge Mountain - This is a very strenuous formidable climb and scramble with some 3rd class rock climbing. There is a huge amount of exposure to high cliffs and drop offs. Set between Fern Canyon and Ice Box Canyon, this peak, however, does offer tremendous views and a great amount of satisfaction. It should only be done with guidance the first time. A drive up 4WD, high clearance Rocky Gap Road starts the day. A hike out to a 1000 foot cliff overlook, an exposed steep descent down the bench and coming to terms with the sandstone crack ascent are all involved to bagging this 6.5 mile peak hike with 2800 feet of elevation gain.
Bristlecone Loop
(Spring Mountains NRA)
Bristlecone Loop - The starting point for this moderate hike is at the end of Lee Canyon Road (Highway 156) just beyond the ski resort. The 2-mile western portion of the loop hike climbs through the pine and aspen forests, with some minor rock scrambling. The eastern part follows a forest service road that runs back to Highway 157. Most of this part of the hike has open views of the peaks in the vicinity of Lee Canyon. The third part of the loop is along the highway. Total distance is 6 miles with 750 feet of elevation gain.
Brownstone Canyon
(Red Rock Canyon NCA)

Brownstone Canyon - The moderately strenuous 8-mile loop hike into Brownstone Canyon begins at Sandstone Quarry in Red Rock. Follow the Calico Tanks Trail but stay in the wash and hike the trail around the base of Red Cap before dropping through another wash into Gateway Canyon. The off-trail route turns left and climbs to the top of that canyon. After crossing the sandstone east of Turtlehead, the route drops through an opening in the sandstone to a protected wall with significant pictographs on the edge of Brownstone Canyon. Turn left up the canyon and cross over a saddle at the base of the La Madre Mountains. It's about 3 miles of hiking in a gravel drainage to return to Sandstone Quarry. The loop contains around 2300 feet of elevation gain.
Burro Trail
(Red Rock Canyon NCA)
Burro Trail - This is a point to point hike from the Late Night Trailhead on Highway 160 to the Blue Diamond Trailhead off of Highway 159. The 8.5 mile moderately strenuous hike in the desert gains 1070 feet in elevation but, also loses 1612 feet in elevation. The hike passes by some of the best scenery that middle Cottonwood Valley has to offer then climbs up and over the Blue Diamond tertiary ridge for the finish.